How To Weather The Winter War On Your Carpets

In today’s Episode of “What’s New at USA Flooring”, Dave is teaching us how to extend the life of your carpets by combatting the deadly winter enemies of your carpet: Salt, Slush and Cinders.  All of which are loaded with dirt, and will dramatically shorten the life of your carpet.  Dave lists the following tips that will give us the BEST DEFENSE for keeping your carpets protected:

  1. Get the whole household involved.  Make sure every person in the family follows these steps.
  2. Try to keep your driveway and walkways clear.  If there is less salt, slush & cinders on the walkway, there is less to bring into your home.
  3. Have Outdoor Matts to clean the large debri off of your shoes.
  4. Have an Indoor Matt at the door that will give everyone the opportunity to clear the remaining salt, slush & cinders off of their shoes.
  5. Vacuum your matts regularly.  If your matts are kept clean, then less dirt will be tracked into the house and onto your carpets.
  6. Place a Shoe Caddy at the doorway area to encourage everyone to take their shoes off if possible.
  7. Vacuum your carpets frequently.  This will prevent the dirt from going deeper into your carpets fibers and causing damage. When vacuuming, go over high traffic areas with at least 3-4 passes.  
  8. Spot clean as necessary and as quickly as possible.  This will prevent stains from becoming permanent.  
  9. Have your carpeting professionally deep cleaned.  The professionals at USA Flooring are equipped to effectively remove most dirt and stains in the battle of  extending the life of your carpets.  


Stop in at USA Flooring to set up your home’s carpet cleaning service, or if you’re interested in new carpeting, they can show you their extensive carpeting selection.  Give them a call at 724-548-7844.

Check out Dave’s funny outtakes from this episode.